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2014.5 TSA主題品酒會:與Coravin 的發明家Greg Lambrecht先生對話 (現正報名中)

與Coravin 的發明家Greg Lambrecht先生對話
(A conversation with Greg Lambrecht of Coravin)

主旨: Coravin是可謂改變葡萄酒品飲與服務習慣的最新發明. Coravin系統可在不切開酒瓶封籤, 也不拔除軟木塞的情況下將酒抽出, 活動以座談會的方式進行, 活動中將透過Greg Lambrecht的介紹, 示範Coravin的操作, 並與葡萄酒大師MW. Charles Curtis互動, 一起發掘Coravin的更多功能與實用性.

活動日期: 2014年5月31日
活動時間: 下午13:30-16:30
活動地點: DN Innovation 鼎恩創意餐廳 <台北市信義區松仁路93號,02-87801155>
名額限制: 20位 TSA 會員 <以報名順序為主>

主辦單位: DN Innovation鼎恩創意料理,Coravin,TSA台灣侍酒師協會技術組
贊助: 法蘭絲葡萄酒,Chef & Sommelier

Greg Lambrecht is the inventor, founder and board member of Coravin™. Mr. Lambrecht is also Founder and Executive Director of Intrinsic Therapeutics, Inc, a venture-backed medical device company focused on addressing the needs of patients with spinal disorders. In addition, Mr. Lambrecht is the founder and board member of Viacor, Inc., a start-up medical device company in the Boston area. Previously, Greg was Vice President of Product Development & Marketing at Stryker, a global orthopedic implant company where he directed the development and launch of numerous successful orthopedic implants. Mr. Lambrecht also held various management positions within Pfizer’s Medical Technology Group, where he directed and implemented a breakthrough process for inventing and developing new technologies. Mr. Lambrecht holds a Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He holds numerous patents in the fields of gynecology, general surgery, cardiology, and orthopedics.


